
Microaggressions & Conflict Management

A dynamic and engaging self-paced course which will help you identify, respond to and mitigate microaggressions (everyday acts of bias) using the most effective conflict management strategies. Broken up into bite-sized modules, this course includes high-quality animated videos, practical scenario-based exercises, quizzes and text, to help attendees effectively integrate the learning. The e-learning format is highly scalable and repeatable and can be hosted on our learning management system or your own platform.



4.6 stars (93% 5-4 star ratings)

83% of attendees feel confident in identifying microaggressions after training (up from 67%)

80% of attendees are likely to intervene in microaggressions after training (up from 66%)

81% of attendees know how to intervene in microaggressions after training (up from 52%)

Based on 1,364 attendees who have attended our live training version